Blazy Grinder by @blazysusan
Introducing Blazy’s 4-Piece Aluminum Grinder. The iconic 4 pieces 3 chamber grinder has been the staple of the industry for a good reason, it’s simply the best design.
The 4 Piece Grinder – An Industry Staple
The iconic 4-piece 3 chamber grinder has been the staple of the industry for a good reason, it’s simply the best design.
The 4-piece aluminum grinder allows you to get the most out of your flower with a solid 3 chamber grinder.
The Blazy grinder gives you a quality grind every time.
2.5 × 2.5 × 2 in
4-Piece, 3-Chamber Design, Keef Catcher with Scoop Tool, High Quality Finished Aluminum, 2 Different Colors
Must be 21 to purchase.